Итак, для начала проведем ревизию (REVISION), повторение самих основ правильного говорения, говорения так, чтобы тебя поняли. Вспомним грамматику глагола и поговорим о самых простых и частых ситуациях, когда нам важно рассказать о действии.
Полагаюсь на ваши знания.
Задание по грамматике простое:
- Посмотрите на примеры.
- Вспомните, как использовать форму Simple в настоящем, чтобы построить простое высказывание, отрицание, задать вопрос.
- Обратить внимание на разницу использования глагола "be (is, am, are)" и остальными глаголами, разницу в построении вопроса и отрицания?
Здесь хочется сделать два важных пояснения.
Без Present Simple не обойтись, когда мы рассказываем о постоянных действиях в настоящем.
Но что значит, в настоящем?
Настоящее - это мгновение, неуловимое. Что значит, постоянное в настоящем?
Можем ли мы увидеть эти действия?
Я работаю в DS International. Вы это можете увидеть? Да, пожалуй, нет... Вы можете увидеть, как я иду на работу, захожу в офис, сажусь за свой стол, открываю компьютер...
О том, что я работаю в ДС Интернешнал, я просто знаю, это действие идет как бы фоном к тому, что происходит в настоящий момент. Вот для таких действий, которые мы воспринимаем как постоянные, о которых мы знаем, что они годами происходят так или эдак, или не происходят, которые стали для нас само собой разумеющимся порядком вещей- именно для их описания предназначена форма Present Simple.
Очень интересно...
Но почему же тогда на нашей картинке написано, что эту форму можно использовать для законченных действий? Что это за действия такие, которые успевают закончиться пока длится наше NOW, то мгновение, которое уловить невозможно?
Именно об этом пояснение второе:
Да, все правильно, о таких действиях мы с вами говорим не часто, а вот футбольные комментаторы пользуются этой формой много. Ведь им приходится описывать такие мгновенные действия для зрителей, болельщиков, тех, кто слушает их репортажи по радио, телевидению. "Пас налево, пас направо, ГООООЛ!" Все действия успевают закончиться, пока длится наше мгновенное NOW. Все репортажи в большинстве случаев идут именно с этой простой формой.
So, we are in an office.
I am an office manager. I speak to unknown people every day and you speak to such people not often, though we work in the same office. We sit at the tables very close to each other. We don't talk to each other much. I don't talk to you about my English projects. You don't talk to me about your paper work.
Our secretary (she) writes many letters in English, and David (our sales manager, he) never writes any English word. He doesn't know English, and our secretary, Mary, knows it perfectly, but she doesn't know Spanish. David knows Spanish, but he doesn't know English and Russian.
Our boss is a foreigner, but, unfortunately, he is never in the office. It is always a surprise when he comes and we see him. Sometimes, it is a pleasant surprise. Sometimes, it is not a pleasant surprise at all. When we are in the office, and the boss is not here, I am always happy and work steadily and without a rush.
Who knows Russian in our office?
Who speak Spanish when they talk?
Does David know Russian just a little?
Do we understand each other?
Do we all have a cup of coffee sometimes?
Does Mary like David?
Do I like you?
When do we meet each other?
What language do we speak when we meet?
How do we understand our boss?
Who is our boss?
Is he Russian, Spanish or English?
Where is he from?
Is Mary his righ hand?
Are Mary and David his subordinates?
Who are his favourites in the office?
Statements and negations.
Yesterday we decided to go for a picnic and we all gathered in our meeting room.
Mary, David and I were there, but you were not in the office at all. You had a day off. You didn't answer my phone calls. And, as usual, the boss was not there. He didn't come to the office.
I stepped up with the idea of a picnic and all who were present, were happy and said that it was a great idea. We talked it over and decided to tell you when you were here the next day. And, of course, we decided to let our boss know. He could like the idea and probably could wish to join us. But everybody was really busy yesterday after the meeting! Every manager worked hard yesterday and didn't make the necessary calls about the future picnic. There wasn't anybody to do the preparations.
Who were in the office in the evening yesterday!
Was boss available?
Did he receive the e-mail about the picnic?
Did anybody send him the e-mail?
Did anybody remember about you?
Did you know about the picnic yesterday?
Did you have a good day off?
What did you do?
Where did you go?
Who did you meet with?
How did you spend the evening?
Were you at home when I called you?
Where were you yesterday at 7pm?
Statements and negationsVery possible, the coming weekend we will go for a picnic. It will be fantastic! Our boss has promissed that he will cancell some meetings and we will go together. I will prepare everything, I will be the manager and producer of the event! You will buy some fruits and vegetables, David will get some drinks, refreshments, wine. Mary will take the barbeque grill. We will be together, we will be in the nature! Everything will be just great!
Who will marinade meat?
Who will be the drivers?
Will we drive to the spot by a local train or by cars?
Will I be a good organizer?
Will you help me?
What will we prepare for dessert?
When will we start for the picnic?
What will we do if the weather is not so good?
Well, I hope you have noticed the structures we will use the next time.
I am sure, you revised the ideas how to make a statement, a negation and a sentence.
You have revised the material as if you were going to use it here and now :)
I believe, that we need to revise it at the lesson and we will do it very quickly and with much fun!
Have a great day!!!
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