четверг, 4 июня 2015 г.


Dear students,

Our exam is on the 20th, June, 10. 40, classroom 001. 

Here are the main cue cards.
Remember to prepare to talk about all the points mentined in a card.
After your speech you will be asked several questions on the topic.

Cue card 1. Unit 3.
5 minutes to prepare. 3 minutes to speak.

Speak about a relationship with someone at place of work or study. You should say:

-          Who the person is / was, what kind of person it is/was, what kind of relationship it is/was,
-          How long you have know/knew the person,
-          What the situations are/were in which you communicate(d) with the person,
-          What conflicting situations you have / had to resolve,

And say what you have learned / learned while communicating with him/her and what benefits you gain/have gained/gained from the relationship.

Cue card 2. Unit 4.
5 minutes to prepare. 3 minutes to speak.

Speak about a successful person you know / knew (real relations). You should say:

-          Who the person is, the person’s occupation,
-          How, where and when you met the person,
-          In what way the person is successful,
-          Personal traits that you like about the person,
-          Personal features that you do not quite like,
-          What traits are the person’s keys to success (from your opinion)

And say if you would like to be similar to the person, and in what way (if you like the person).

Cure card 3.
5 minutes to prepare. 3 minutes to speak.

Speak about a well-known successful person. You should say:
-              Who the person is, the person’s occupation, the sphere the person works or acts,
-              How, where and when you knew about the person,
-              In what way the person is successful,
-              Personal traits that you like about the person,
-              Personal features that you do not quite like,
-              What traits are the keys to the person’s success,
And say if you would like to be similar to the person, and in what way (if you like the person).

Cue card 4.
5 minutes to prepare. 3 minutes to speak.

Speak about success in your future career. You should say:

-          In what sphere you plan your career development,
-          What are the peculiarities of working in the sphere,
-          What personal traits you need to have to be successful,
-          What skills you need to have to find a good job,
-          If you have had or plan to have some experience of working in the sphere,

And say about possible obstacles on the way to success.

Cue card 5. Unit 4
5 minutes to prepare. 3 minutes to speak.

Speak about a leader. You should say:

-          How to define a leader, who it is,
-          What traits a leader should have nowadays,
-          What general skills any leader should have,
-          If you have the skills and traits,
-          If you would like to develop or you are developing some of them,

And say if leaders are born or made and why you think so.

Cue card 6. Unit 4
5 minutes to prepare. 3 minutes to speak.

Talk about a successful company. You should say:

-          The name of the company and the sphere the company works in,
-          What the company produces or what services the company provides,
-          What the famous company brands are,
-          If you know well-known people who have worked with the company, and why they are known,
-          What the keys to success of the company are,

And say if you would like to work in the company or not and why.

Cue card 7. Unit 5.
 5 minutes to prepare. 3 minutes to speak.

Speak about job satisfaction factors and their influence on personnel. You should talk about:

-          Money: salary and bonuses,
-          People at work: team, colleagues and boss,
-          Perks or fringe benefits,
-          Praise and opportunities for promotion,

And say which of the mentioned above are important for you and why. 

Good luck in everything!

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